PRO TIPS: Things You Don’t Know about Excel

Laiba Khan
2 min readNov 27, 2020


Microsoft’s Excel leading the market share with over 750 million users worldwide. Being a part of this community demands you to ask yourself — “How can I think, & do tasks EFFICIENTLY” for better output.

In 2 mins, I’ll take you through some of the Excel-related PRO TIPS which will SAVE heaps of your precious time.

  1. Customize Quick Access Toolbar: Add options that you use often in the ribbon by clicking on the down arrow sign. Click on more commands to choose from vast options.

2. Shortcuts for Fast Navigation

  • Press Ctrl + Home button to view the top-left cell of the sheet.
  • Press Ctrl + End button to view the last right-cell of the sheet.

3. Shortcuts for Inserting/Deleting a row or column

First, select the row/column after which you want to insert/delete a row/column.

  • Press Ctrl + Plus sign for inserting.
  • Press Ctrl + Minus sign for deleting.

4. Copy-paste anything with Paste Special

Copy cell or range of cells you want to paste. Then, Press the Alt+E+S keyboard shortcut to view the paste special dialogue box. Click on what element you want to paste( I often use it for pasting formulas.)

5. Grouping Sheet: Perform one task in multiple sheets simultaneously

This is quite handy when you want to create multiple sheets containing some same elements as templates.

Hold Shift and select the sheets you want to group → Start working in any one-sheet → Once completed, ungroup the sheets by clicking an unselected sheet ( In this case, Sheet 1/2/3) or right-click and select the ungroup sheets option → After ungrouping, check the sheets, you’ll be surprised!

Note: Grouped sheets can be easily identified with white color, as you can see in the image.

What is the excel shortcut do you use to save time? Share in the comment section!



Laiba Khan

I am a social media marketing, copywriting, and paid Ad expert. Let’s connect on Instagram @letsgo_laiba! xo!